Concrete Repair Specialist
Expectations Exceeded.
Driveway Challenges.
Concrete Solutions.
As soon as you start noticing cracks in your driveway, it may be time to call us in for an inspection and quote. The sooner you call us, the more cost-effective your concrete driveway repair can be. This will go a long way toward preserving your driveway’s long-term appeal. The problem is, most repairs for concrete do not work and often only hide the true problem. When you’re repairing your driveway, remember that we’re your partner in the process—and your friend long afterward. We’re looking out for your best long-term interests.
Work That’s Made – to Last
One of the biggest misconceptions is that there are reliable and quality solutions to “repair” concrete. Typical residential driveway repair requests are for requests to fill cracks, patch a small section, or resurface. While these options do exist, they are rarely a solution worth investing in.
Most of the time, these “solutions” are done in an effort to save as much money as possible, without having a proper understanding of the poor end-result that awaits. Many concrete issues are related to factors beyond the surface—issues that cannot be treated like a simple weekend DIY project.
Fixing Cracks
Can you fix the cracks in your driveway and just caulk them? Can you patch a hole in your tire with a Band-Aid®? The answers to both of these questions is NO. Fixing cracks does not properly address the underlying problem with your concrete, which could be a variety of issues ranging from improper control joints to thin concrete, tree roots, bad subgrade, and more Any cracks that are a result of these factors must be treated with a full or partial replacement. Some cracks are good, like the ones that fall inside of properly placed control joints that relieve pressure on the concrete.
Is your concrete cracking, uneven, or sinking?
Let Romero Concrete Construction help you take care of it.